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WELCOME.....to The Creative Spirit....my own little creative nook, filled with simple little projects, grand ideas, and anything suggested by my Creative Muse........

Friday, July 19, 2013

Top Three Killers of Creativity

                                  (Card from 52 Little Questions project)

Thinking about creativity today and thought I'd share some thoughts about what seems to be the top runners for creativity killers!

3.  Time:  This is what most people use as their number one excuse for not being creative. I've done it myself quite a few times.  Time is certainly a factor in getting creative. Sometimes you need more "down time", sometimes you need more time alone to really "brew" something creative, or sometimes you just need time to actually sit down and DO something creative.  (Just since starting to write this I have had to stop, feed the dogs and get my grandson a yogurt)

2. Perfectionism: This can be a biggie. Let me say there are certainly creative things we want to look really good. Certain crafts that we are gifting might be one such item. Remember, however, there is more to creativity than crafty things. Don't get me wrong I love crafts and do them but they are NOT the "heart" of creativity. Getting messy, playing around, trying something totally different, making "mistakes" and just getting lost in making something is the true soul of creativity. People miss that when they want perfection. I've posted plenty of things that aren't "top notch". Well, let's face it some are down right BAD. I post them because they were fun not perfect. Sometimes I visit other blogs and I am overwhelmed by their totally awesome stuff. I feel inferior. Sometimes I learn from it and sometimes it stops me in my tracks.

1. Clutter:  I don't care what people say about creative clutter. It's a BIG killer of creativity. I'm not talking about a simple messy desk or table....I'm talking about heaps of stuff piled in disarray every where. I know some people say they work best that way. However when I start a project and can't find something I KNOW I have it kills creativity. I use something else and regret it or I simply stop altogether. When I think about starting a project and don't have a clear space to work in, it kills creativity. Do I get lost in clearing the mess or just find something else to do? When I have a few minutes to create, perhaps while listening to TV and the items I want are scattered everywhere, its just to easy to flop down in the chair and forget about what I was going to create.

These are my top three creativity killers. I'm sure there are others or perhaps yours are slightly different. Regardless, if you haven't been creating lately, it's time to start thinking about why. You'll be glad if you remove the roadblocks and jump back in.

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